Dominican House of Prayer

"Be who God meant you to be
and you will set the whole world on fire."
- St Catherine of Siena

What is DHOP?
DHOP Is a House of Studies for the Soul
DHOP's focus is on helping others grow in virtue, holiness, and into deeper union with our Lord. DHOP is the public ministry of two Dominican priests and two Dominican lay leaders who together wish to share their experience and understanding on prayer and the spiritual life with the world at large.
To that end, DHOP offers homilies, conferences, and brief discussions on various topics related to Catholic spirituality and devotional practice in its YouTube channel and retreats online and on site.

To visit our YouTube Channel Click Here.

“Let us perform all our actions with the thought that God dwells in us.
We shall thus be His temples, and He Himself will be our God, dwelling in us.”
- Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.

Fr. Ignatius Schweitzer, O.P.
is a Dominican priest of the St. Joseph (Eastern) Province. He was ordained in 2011. He spent six years living as a monk in a Carthusian monastery. He then returned to the Dominicans, discerning a strong call from the Lord to help others grow in the spiritual and mystical life. Upon returning, he completed his STL, writing on The Life, Light, and Fire of Triune Love: A Trinitarian Spirituality from Scripture, Aquinas, Ruusbroec, and John of the Cross. He is the prior of St. Catherine of Siena Priory in New York City, the promoter of the Dominican Laity, and adjunct professor, spiritual director, and formator at St. Joseph’s seminary in Dunwoodie. He hopes to be of service to the Lord’s loving cry to souls and souls’ cry for the Lord: “Abyss calls to abyss!”
Website: http://www.uppergarden.org/

Fr. Jesse Maingot, O.P.
is a Dominican priest of the Irish Province, currently stationed in Trinidad and Tobago. He was ordained in 2019. He was first assigned as chaplain to the Dominican College at Newbridge, Ireland. Fr. Jesse completed STL in Dogmatic Theology at the Angelicum University in Rome. He has a real heart for rebuilding the culture of worship and adoration of Our Eucharistic Lord. He is passionate about discovering with others how to be better disposed to experience the gaze of Jesus from the Monstrance. He often quotes “one thing alone is necessary” (Lk 10:42) and “to be near God is our happiness.”( Ps 73:28)
Who is DHOP?
Who Are We?

Dr. Thomas Carr, O.P.
received his Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary and his Master and Doctorate in Philosophy & Theology from the University of Oxford. His master’s thesis, Newman and Gadamer: Towards a Theory of Religious Knowledge, was published by Oxford University Press. A convert to Catholicism and a Lay Dominican, Dr. Carr served as Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the University of Mount Union for seventeen years. His passions are defending the Truth, combatting falsehood, understanding the true nature of worship, along with study of apologetics, history, and the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas.

Mrs. Ina Carr, O.P.
is a mother of two, a Lay Dominican, and a convert to Catholicism. She has a Master in Leadership and Management and a Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies. She experienced a dramatic conversion when she was 25 years old, where God delivered her of demonic influences stemming from occult practices. She has many years of experience in various ministries, e.g., serving the poor in a post-conflict area, in a nursing home; in inner city, prayer and deliverance ministries; and as a church planter. Her heart is to see the children of God set free, so that they can fully become the beloved sons and daughters of God, by encountering and experiencing His deep, unfathomable love in the Catholic Church.