“It seems to me that I have found my Heaven on earth,
since Heaven is God and God is in my soul."
- St Elisabeth of the Trinity

St Elisabeth of the Trinity
Abyss calls to abyss! In this 4-day gathering, we will go deeper into the mystery of Christian prayer with St. Elisabeth of the Trinity guiding us by the hand. Is this gathering a conference or a retreat? Exactly! … It is both! It can be thought of as a prayerful conference or, better yet, a logos-filled retreat (a retreat with overflowing wisdom). In short, it is a Contemplative Symposium. Sym-posium literally means to “drink in together” and, in our case, we will take in together the profound loving wisdom of St. Elisabeth of the Trinity, together with her also in our midst.
To receive St. Elisabeth’s teaching aright, we need to receive it in a spirit of prayer. More importantly, to receive the mystery of Christian prayer into our souls aright we need to do so in a living way through prayer. Hence this symposium attempts to foster a contemplative atmosphere. Some elements of our schedule do not quite fit in with a normal conference model and some elements do not quite fit in with a normal retreat model precisely because we are blazing a new trail toward something different, a Contemplative Symposium.
We will not be rushing to talk after talk after talk. We will take time in silence to drink in and imbibe what we have received. Plenty of time will be given for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, for the sake of a contemplative repose. We will pray the Rosary and much of the Liturgy of the Hours together. There will be much time for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and guided meditations on passages from St. Elisabeth to help us enter into silent adoration of our Beloved Three. Our specially selected key-note speakers bring a certain intellectual prowess with them but they are also anointed with the unction of the Holy Spirit in conveying the mysterious secret, hidden wisdom of God (cf. 1 Cor 2). Art, music, poetry, personal witness, and fellowship with one another will enrich our drinking in together of the life, light, and love of the Blessed Trinity.
The communio among the participants and—to use a favored term of Elisabeth—the “rendezvous” encounters with one another from the depths of our soul will make up an important dimension of our partaking of God together these days. So we are selling tickets only for the whole 4-day gathering at this point, and at a discounted rate. Our capacity is limited. In mid-July, if we have any seats left, we will open up the possibility of buying tickets for a single day.
We can do the best planning in the world to try to bring about all we are envisioning for this contemplative symposium but planning in itself is insufficient. We need the support of your prayers! The lasting fruitfulness of this 4-day encounter with one another and with God will especially be determined by the coming together of these souls yearning for more of the Lord and the prayers we pour out for ourselves and for the world. Abyss calls to abyss! I can assure you there will be souls of deep and rich (and blessedly poor!) prayer among the attendees of the symposium. This in itself is a significant draw to come along and be a part of this mix of humble souls seeking the face of God and seeking a “spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God, having the eyes of our hearts enlightened…” (Eph 1:17-18).
We entrust all this to the intercession of St. Elisabeth of the Trinity who, on her deathbed, foresaw that her mission in heaven would be to draw souls deeper into the mystery of contemplative prayer “by helping them to go out of themselves in order to cling to God by a wholly simple and loving movement, and to keep them in this great silence within, which will allow God to communicate Himself to them and to transform them into Himself” (L 335). Through the powerful intercession of St. Elisabeth of the Trinity, may this contemplative symposium further the accomplishment of this mission for our good and the good of the world!


St. Joseph’s Seminary in Dunwoodie
201 Seminary Ave., Yonkers, NY 10704
TICKETS space is limited
$200 / person (meals included)
Bishop John O. Barres, STD, JCL : "St. Elizabeth of the Trinity: The Pauline Audacity of her Lectio Divina and her Trinitarian Praise of Glory Catholic Mysticism"
Fr. Ignatius John Schweitzer, OP : “The Paradox of Solitude and Communion in Our Life with the Triune God”
Dr. Anthony Lilles: “Heritage and Household: Contemplation and Communion in the Church”
Julie Enzler: "Heaven by Faith: Contemplatives in the World"
Fr. Francis Mary Roaldi, CFR: "Friendship, "Secrets," Elisabeth of the Trinity and our Pilgrimage to God"
Kathryn Jean Lopez: "Title TBD"
Fr. Justin Cinnante, O.Carm: "Sisters in the Spirit, Therese and Elizabeth: True Daughters of the Church and Carmel"
Fr. Donald Haggerty: "Two Carmelites in Conversation: St. John of the Cross and St. Elizabeth of the Trinity on Prayer and the Indwelling Presence"
Thursday, August 8
3:00-5:00pm Arrival and Registration
5:00-5:45pm Supper and Welcome!
6:00-6:50pm TALK 1 || Fr. Ignatius John Schweitzer, OP
7:00-8:00pm Eucharistic Holy Hour with a fervorino from Fr. Vincent Druding and ending with Night Prayer
8:00-9:00pm Social
Friday, August 9
8:00am Breakfast
8:45-9:20am Office of Readings and Morning Prayer. E3 Oblation Prayer
9:30-10:30am TALK 2 || Fr. Donald Haggerty
10:40-11:00am Holy Rosary
11:00am-12:00pm Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated and preached by Bishop John Barres, Bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre (slow solemn pace and 10 minutes of silence after Holy Communion)
12:00-12:45pm Lunch and Break
12:45-1:00 Sr. Armelle presents her icons and artwork
1:00-1:55pm TALK 3 || Bishop John Barres
2:00pm-4:25pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
2:10-2:55pm Sr. Armelle leads us into contemplative prayer through St. Elisabeth's Oblation Prayer "Trinity Whom I Adore."
3:00-4:25pm “Free-time” for prayer, Exposition of the Bl. Sacrament. Conversation. Rest. A walk
N.B. Eucharistic Adoration: mostly silent but every 30 mins, a reading from St. Elisabeth & a brief reflection*
3:00-4:30pm Confessions
4:30-5:30pm TALK 4 || Julie Enzler
5:30-5:50pm Vespers
6:00-6:45pm Supper
7:00-8:00pm TALK 5 || Fr. Francis Mary, CFR
8:00-9:00pm Eucharistic Holy Hour ending with Night Prayer.
Saturday, August 10
8:00am Breakfast
8:45-9:20am Office of Readings and Morning Prayer. E3 Oblation Prayer
9:30-10:30am TALK 6 || Dr. Anthony Lilles
10:40-11:00am Holy Rosary
11:00am-12:00pm The Sacrifice of the Holy Mass (slow solemn pace and 10 minutes of silence after Holy Communion)
12:00-12:45pm Lunch and Break
12:45-1:00pm Kathy Pluth presents her original hymn on St Elisabeth of the Trinity
1:00-1:30pm Sr. Talitha, OCD livestreamed in for a witness talk on St Elisabeth of the Trinity
1:30-2:20pm TALK 7 || Fr. Justin Cinnante, O. Carm
2:25-4:25pm “Free-time” for prayer, Exposition of the Bl. Sacrament. Conversation. Rest. A walk
N.B. Eucharistic Adoration: mostly silent but every 30 mins, a reading from St. Elisabeth & a brief reflection*
2:30-3:00pm Amy Knight from the Evangelical "prayer room" movement gives a witness talk on St Elisabeth
3:00-4:30pm Confessions
4:30-5:30pm TALK 8 || Kathryn Jean Lopez
5:30-5:50pm Vespers
6:00-6:45pm Supper
7:00-9:00pm Exp. of the Bl. Sacrament, including the following: Anointing with St Elisabeth of Trinity Oil. Original Music. Fervorino. Silence. Ending with Night Prayer
Sunday, August 11
8:00am Breakfast
8:45-9:20am Office of Readings and Morning Prayer. St Elisabeth Trinity Oblation Prayer
9:30-10:30am PANEL DISCUSSION with speakers
10:45am-12:00pm Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, celebrated and preached by Bishop James Massa, Rector of Saint Joseph’s Seminary and College and Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn
12:00pm Lunch
*A note on the "free time" and optional Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the schedule (3:00-4:25pm on Friday and 2:25-4:25pm on Saturday). During Eucharistic Adoration, there will be a few 30-minute blocks, with a reading from St Elisabeth and a guided meditation by one of the speakers, which will take about 10 minutes, and will be followed by 20 minutes of silence. Then will begin the next 30-minute block with another reading and guided meditation by a different speaker, taking about 10 minutes and followed by 20 minutes of silence. The 30-minute block of reading, preaching, and silence will begin on Friday at 3:00, 3:30, and 4:00pm and on Saturday at 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, and 4:00pm.
Reduced Rate Lodging - Holy Cross Parish Retreat House
600 Soundview Ave, Bronx
As an alternative to a hotel, Holy Cross Parish has a retreat house with 33 rooms that we are able to use for the St. Elisabeth of the Trinity Contemplative Symposium. For the whole 3 nights of the conference, it will cost $300 per person ($100 per night), less than half the price of a hotel. Each room has two beds, so we encourage doubling-up to make room for others. In your charity, if you can, please double-up with a friend so others too may benefit from this reduced rate lodging. You can identify a person you want to double-up with on the Eventbrite page. Ladies on the 3 rd
floor. Men on the 2 nd floor. Bathrooms and showers are at the end of each hall. Each room has an air-conditioning unit. There is also a chapel on the first floor.
Breakfast, lunch, and supper will be provided at the Seminary and is included in the price of your $200 ticket. No food will be provided at the Holy Cross retreat house though a kitchen is available.
People will first arrive at St. Joseph’s Seminary on Thursday, Aug. 8, 3:00-5:00pm, for registration followed by supper and the evening program. After the evening program at the seminary, there will be a 9:15pm shuttle service from the seminary to the Holy Cross lodging, about 30 minutes away. Each night, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, a 9:15pm free shuttle service will depart from the seminary. Each morning, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, a 7:15am free shuttle service will depart from Holy Cross retreat house to the seminary. We will have one key to the place, so all will leave the Holy Cross retreat house at the same time in the morning and arrive back at the same time at night.
Most of your waking hours will be spent at the seminary for the symposium, so the very basic provisions for the lodging should suffice for most people.
Link to Holy Cross Parish: holycrossbronx.com
To book a room at Holy Cross use the same button as to purchase tickets
Residence Inn by Marriott
7 Executive Blvd, Yonkers, NY 10701
(914) 476 - 4600
SpringHill Suites by Marriott
109 Marbledale Rd, Tuckahoe, NY 10707
(914) 984 - 9010
Hampton Inn & Suites Yonkers
160 Corporate Blvd, Yonkers, NY 10701
(914) 377 - 1144
Royal Regency Hotel
165 Tuckahoe Rd, Yonkers, NY 10710
(914) 476 - 6200
Courtyard by Marriott
5 Executive Blvd, Yonkers, NY 10701
(914) 476 - 2400
Hyatt Place New York/Yonkers
7000 Mall Walk, Yonkers, NY 10704
(914) 377 - 1400
LaGuardia International Airport (LGA)
Queens, New York - 30 minutes drive from the Seminary
John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK)
Queens, New York - 45 minutes drive from the Seminary
Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR)
Newark, New Jersey - 45 minutes drive from the Seminary

Bishop John O. Barres, STD, JCL
Bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre
Bishop John O. Barres, STD, JCL is the fifth Bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre (Long Island, NY). Previously, he served as the Bishop of the Diocese of Allentown (PA) from 2009 to 2016. He is a graduate of Phillips Academy (Andover), Princeton University and the New York University Graduate School of Business, and holds advanced theological degrees from the Catholic University of America and the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. Bishop Barres serves on the Board of Trustees of the Catholic University of America. His Episcopal motto “Holiness and Mission” is taken from Pope St. John Paul II’s encyclical Redemptoris Missio which emphasizes the universal call to holiness and mission in the Catholic Church. It also expresses Bishop Barres’ commitment to Pope Francis’ emphasis on global Catholic missiology and evangelization and the call for a “missionary transformation” of Catholic parishes and every dimension of Catholic life and witness to the world.

Fr. Ignatius John Schweitzer, OP

Dr. Anthony Lilles

Fr. Ignatius is a Dominican priest of the St. Joseph (Eastern) Province. He was ordained in 2011. He spent six years living as a monk in a Carthusian monastery. He then returned to the Dominicans, discerning a strong call from the Lord to help others grow in the spiritual and mystical life. Upon returning, he completed his STL, writing on The Life, Light, and Fire of Triune Love: A Trinitarian Spirituality from Scripture, Aquinas, Ruusbroec, and John of the Cross. He is the prior of St. Catherine of Siena Priory in New York City, the promoter of the Dominican Laity, and adjunct professor, spiritual director, and formator at St. Joseph’s seminary in Dunwoodie. He hopes to be of service to the Lord’s loving cry to souls and souls’ cry for the Lord: “Abyss calls to abyss!”
Dr. Anthony Lilles, completed his graduate and post-graduate studies in Rome at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas. Living in Oxnard, California with his wife Agnes, they are blessed to be parents of three young adults. Dr. Lilles also serves as Associate Professor, Admissions Director and Academic Advisor to the Academic Dean of St. John’s Seminary; and has been appointed as the Academic Dean of St. Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo Park. Having taught graduate level theology for over 20 years, Dr. Lilles is specialized in Spiritual Theology, Spiritual Direction, and various classics of Catholic Spirituality. His expertise is in the spiritual doctrine of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity and the Carmelite Doctors of the Church: St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and St. Thérèse of Lisieux. He’s the author of Fire From Above, published by Sophia Institute Press, Living the Mystery of Merciful Love: 30 Days with Thérèse of Lisieux and 30 days with Teresa of Avila – both published by Emmaus Road.
Julie Enzler is a wife, mother of five, and grandmother to five. She holds a Licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas and is a certified as a catechist for all levels of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Currently she is an assistant at the Institute for Carmelite Studies and teaches for the Avila Institute. She has served as a professor at St. Mary’s Seminary and at Northeast Catholic College, founded a classical K-12 academy, and most recently served as the founding principal of the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter’s Cathedral High School.
Julie Enzler

Fr. Donald Haggerty, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is currently serving at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. He has been a Professor of Moral Theology at St. Joseph’s Seminary in New York and Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Maryland and has a long association as a spiritual director for Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity. He is the author of Conversion: Spiritual Insights into an Essential Encounter with God, as well as Contemplative Provocations, Contemplative Enigmas: Insights and Aid on the Path to Deeper Prayer, and The Contemplative Hunger.
Fr. Donald Haggerty

Kathryn Jean Lopez

Kathryn Jean Lopez is a senior fellow at the National Review Institute where she directs the Center for Religion, Culture, and Civil Society, and editor-at-large of National Review. She is also a nationally syndicated columnist with Andrews McMeel Universal. Lopez has been published by a wide variety of publications including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, America, Stars and Stripes, The National Catholic Register, and First Things.
She is also a columnist for Our Sunday Visitor’s Newsweekly and on the editorial advisory board of Angelus, where she contributes regularly, and co-author of the book How to Defend the Faith without Raising Your Voice. She is also a contributor to the book Women Who Pray: Eleven Catholic Women on the Power of Prayer. She was awarded the annual Washington Women in Journalism Award for Outstanding Journalism in the Periodic Press from CQ Roll Call in 2016 for writing about Christian genocide and persecution.
Fr. Francis Mary Roaldi, CFR is a native of Buffalo, NY and entered the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal in 1999. He made his perpetual profession in 2004, was ordained 2008 and then spent 6 wonderful years in Central America (where Elizabeth of the Trinity “introduced” herself to him at one point). In 2014 he returned to the States to take up the role of novice director, which he dedicated himself to for the last 9 years until he was elected General Vicar of his congregation. In his free time, he has the joy directing retreats for seminarians, religious and priests, and befriending
Fr. Francis Mary Roaldi, CFR

Fr. Justin Cinnante, O. Carm
Fr Justin was a diocesan priest for 10 years before his yearning for religious life to pray in community with others led him to the Carmelite order. His deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary intertwined with the spirituality of St. Therese of the child Jesus led him to take enter the Carmelite Order Novitiate in Middletown, NY, in 2016. He is currently living at his Priory in Tarrytown, NY with his Carmelite family.
Father Justin was teaching and campus minister at Archbishop Stepinac High School in White Plains from 2012-2015. On August 29, 2020, Fr. Justin Maria Cinnante, O. Carm, took his final vows at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Middletown, NY. He has been committed since he was first ordained to volunteer each summer for Camp Veritas run by the Archdiocese of New York, along with the Franciscan Friars and Sisters of the Renewal. Since 2018 Fr Justin has been School Chaplain for Iona Preparatory in New Rochelle, NY.
For all questions for this event please contact SJS.Events@archny.org