"Duc In Altum"
trinidad & tobago
June 7 - 8, 2024

"Duc In Altum"
Is God Calling you Deeper into Himself?
Are you seeking a Deeper taste of God?

Put Out Into the Deep is a retreat to discover there is always more in the life of prayer. The interior life with God is subject to growth and development. We will be exploring the nature of prayer and the many stages of prayer and the kind of phenomenon that characterises different stages of prayer. We will also explore prayer from the witness of the Saints, those living icons of prayer. They have so much to teach us about growing in union with the Lord. The retreat is geared to opening up our hunger for the spiritual life.
Come aside from the noise of the world
and discover a new depth of Jesus' heart
"How blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to You To dwell in Your courts.
We will be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Your holy temple."
Psalm 65:4
Last day to purchase tickets is extended to Wednesday June 5, Midnight - Trinidad Time
St Dominic's Pastoral Center, St Finbar’s Church
Morne Coco Road, Four Roads, Diego Martin. Trinidad & Tobago
TICKETS (Price in USD) space is limited
$37 USD ($250 TT) / person
If you are a priest or a religious (not including third order), please share your information
by contacting us at DominicanDHOP@gmail.com for a free ticket.
Last day to purchase tickets is extended to Wednesday June 5, Midnight - Trinidad Time
Friday, June 7
5:00pm Registration Open
6:00pm Welcome & Eucharistic Exposition
6:15pm TALK 1 || An Austere and Tender Crucified Love by Fr. Ignatius John Schweitzer, O.P.
7:00pm Eucharistic Adoration
7:30pm TALK 2 || How God Rescued Me by Ina Carr
8:10pm Eucharistic Adoration & Prayer with St Dominic Oil
9:00pm Benediction
Saturday, June 8
8:00am Registration Open
8:45am Welcome & Eucharistic Exposition
9:00am TALK 3 || Healing Shame with Living Water: the Woman at the Well by Dr. Thomas Carr
9:45am Eucharistic Adoration
10:15am TALK 4 || Silence in the Spiritual Life by Fr. Jesse Maingot, O.P.
11:00am Eucharistic Adoration
11:30am Celebration of the Holy Mass || Fr. Ignatius John Schweitzer, O.P.
1:00pm Closing
Piarco International Airport (POS)
Port of Spain
IMPORTANT NOTE: At this moment DHOP cannot take any responsibility for the health and / or safety for guests arriving from overseas for the retreat.

"The soul is in God and God is in the soul,
just as the fish is in the sea, and the sea is in the fish."
St Catherine of Siena